
Quotes from press →

Polina Osetinskaya exhibits depth, polish, flair... gave evidence of technical poise and, most importantly, an inquisitive musical mind... Osetinskaya never fell into the by-the-numbers, cookie-cutter mold of so many conservatory grads. She had something personal to say and the means to say it.
Sun-Sentinel, USA
Osetinskaya demonstrates flawless sense of style! ... One could imagine ar this recital that Polina Osetinskaya could be the great Clara Schumann performing for the crowned head of Europe a handred years ago!
Coral Gables Gazzete, USA
Enthralls with Superb Artistry... Not only does the artist possess the phisical skills necessary to vault her to the top of the profession, but she has a rare sense of inner beauty which is able to convey in her playing. Listening and watching Polina Osetinskaya play is like a breath of fresh air.
Entertainment News&Views, USA
The dazzling Polina Osetinskaya comforted us by a superb palette of colors, of fealings (Debussy) taking off in a flight of delirious virtuosity (Chopin and Scriabine) a piano that rings, that laughs, that rejoices, that lets itself both dominate and caress. Remarkable!!!
Le Soir, Belgium
Absolutely conscious of the effect she has, Polina Osetinskaya, who without a doubt still has a great career before her, appeared, concentrated like an enchanting pianist full of virtuosity and sensuousness; but in addition (as she demonstrated during the encore), with a capricious sense of that full effect.
Badische Neueste Nachrichten, Germany
Hummel: Violin Concerto Naxos. «The great merit of this Russian performance is the piano playing of Polina Osetinskaya, with Hummel’s rippling passagework persuasively done with crystal-clear articulation.»
Edward Greenfield, The Gramophone, United Kingdom
Polina Osetinskaya is terrific pianist. More importantly, she is a magnificently endowed musician. Her performances always explore new facets of even the most familiar scores... She is a musical treasure!
Lawrence Budmen. Music & Vision, USA