
Polina Osetinskaya and Maxim Vengerov in Esplanade Concert Hall, Singapore

Russian pianist Polina Osetinskaya has partnered Vengerov in recitals around the world and, together, they have received the highest accolades for their passion and intimacy in concert. In just the opening notes, Osetinskaya captivated the hall with her touch and tone, quietly pronouncing that there were two superstars of equal stature on stage.

The works by Prokofiev would be second nature to Vengerov and Osetinskaya, but there was nothing passed in how they performed them.

The thought and care put into even the smallest of the Five Melodies showed the utmost respect to the music. At times, Osetinskaya looked as if she did not have to put any effort into her playing - everything seemed so easy and natural for her.

The real magic was how Vengerov's lines could just meld in and out of Osetinskaya's, and how the combination of violin and piano could conjure such tone and sound colour.

The Franck Violin Sonata is one of the most played recital works of the Romantic era, and by extension, too often taken for granted and over-played.

While Vengerov and Osetinskaya clearly have everything needed to give the sonata a full-blooded romantic performance, their sensitive, but not cloying reading was refreshing. Ravel's Tzigane was, of course, the chance for both to let things rip, and so they did.

With the enthralled audience baying for encores, the duo obliged with music by Prokofiev, Fritz Kreisler and Sergei Rachmaninov, topping off an unforgettable evening.

Mervin Beng for

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